Home > Living Well with Dementia

Each person’s experience of dementia is unique, but many individuals with dementia often have difficulty carrying out day-to-day activities. Dementia can also have a significant impact on the family, friends, and caregivers of those with the condition. However, a dementia diagnosis does not mean individuals cannot lead a happy and fulfilling life.
The following section is a comprehensive resource dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals and families navigating dementia. The webpages featured in this section provide practical guidance to improve the physical, social, and psychological health and well-being of individuals with dementia, and offer insights on common challenges, interventions, and safety considerations associated with dementia.
On this page:
1. Physical Health |
4. Interventions for Dementia |
2. Social Health |
5. Challenges Associated with Dementia |
3. Psychological Health |
On this page:
1. Physical Health
2. Social Health
3. Psychological Health
4. Interventions for Dementia
5. Challenges Associated with Dementia