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Mental Health
Dementia often manifests with a myriad of psychological and behavioural symptoms that greatly impact the goals and life expectations of older adults. These symptoms pose challenges in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment processes for individuals with dementia[1].
The resources below aim to provide a deeper understanding of the intersection between mental health and dementia and offer mental health support by acknowledging and addressing the unique obstacles that older adults with dementia and their families face.
Useful Resources
- Alzheimer Society of Canada: Let’s talk about dementia, mental illness and mental health.
- Alzheimer Society: The psychological and emotional impact of dementia
- Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing: Mental health in late life and the risk of dementia (Chinese)
- Physician. Pharmacist. People: The psychological needs of individuals with dementia and their caregivers (Chinese)

Mental Health
Dementia often manifests with a myriad of psychological and behavioural symptoms that greatly impact the goals and life expectations of older adults. These symptoms pose challenges in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment processes for individuals with dementia[1].
The resources below aim to provide a deeper understanding of the intersection between mental health and dementia and offer mental health support by acknowledging and addressing the unique obstacles that older adults with dementia and their families face.
Useful Resources
- Alzheimer Society of Canada: Let’s talk about dementia, mental illness and mental health.
- Alzheimer Society: The psychological and emotional impact of dementia
- 賽馬會耆智園. 老年精神健康和腦退化症風險. (Chinese)
- Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing: Mental health in late life and the risk of dementia (Chinese)
- Physician. Pharmacist. People: The psychological needs of individuals with dementia and their caregivers (Chinese)
[1] L. Fernandes, M. Gonalves-Pereira, A. Leuschner et al., “Validation study of the Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE) in Portugal,” International Psychogeriatrics, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 94–102, 2009.